The Et Cetera In Winter 2024

As always, we’re here to publish your thoughts, reflections, ideas, poetry, visual artwork—or really whatever you think would be appropriate. Each issue will have a broad theme to act as a prompt, but feel free to submit something beyond it if you wish.

Here are the themes to expect this term along with when each issue is out:

Home (January 30)

Many of us are studying away from home, sometimes far away. Others commute in, and a few have lived in this part of the world all their lives. What makes a place feel like home to you? What does home even mean? What is something that always takes you back there?

Seeking Shalom (February 27)

Shalom is a word that points to a fuller, holistic peace rather than simply the absence of conflict. Most of our hottest-button issues create conflict because we have differing views on what a better world (or society, or institution) looks like, even if we agree that things could be better. We’d like this issue to be a space where people can talk about such hard and possibly controversial topics in a respectful way. Perhaps you could seek out someone who you know you disagree about something with and we could publish your conversation. (You might read something you don’t like in this issue, but that’s part of the work of seeking shalom.)

Wisdom & Learning (March 26)

Studying here takes a lot of work and time and money. What is it all for? Are we doing something meaningful, something beyond “wearying the flesh” (Eccl 12:12)? Do you feel like your education is forming you? Are you learning anything outside of academics? What even is the difference between wisdom and knowledge?

Change (April 16)

There’s all kinds of change: institutional, societal, personal…et cetera! Some find our era defined by change, with the world shifting constantly, making it hard to find stability. Where have you seen change—of any kind—taking place? What have you learned from change?

Please submit all pieces to for consideration by the Wednesday before publication. Prose pieces should aim to be no more than 1,000 words. Artwork will have to be published in black and white when we print. We can’t wait to read what you come up with!

Steven Gomez, senior editor

Tess Fuller, associate editor